Achieving Your Goals with Ms. World America Mrs. 19-20' Cassandra Bannon Wallace

Season #1 Episode #17

I was honored to Interview Ms. World America Mrs. 19-20’, Cassandra Bannon Wallace.

Cassandra is a rockstar through and through, But just like the rest of us, she has had her fair share of challenging experiences, trying to determine how to move toward what she wants.

Breaks up, being told no by the people she loves, and being a single mom of three ill could have stopped her from moving toward her most important goals.

If you need to be encouraged, if you need to be inspired, then this is the episode for you.

Cassandra shared about

  • How being poor could have stopped her
  • How not knowing what she wanted could have stopped her
  • How being too short could have stopped her
  • How have a set of twins could have stopped her


But something kept her going. Hear her powerful story in today’s episode.