Season 2
How I Sold Thousands of Cars Per Month
People always marvel at how we sell thousands of cars yearly at the Jim Shorkey Family Auto Group, but it wasn't always that way. In this episode, I share my experience with Derek Kelly about selling my first car and...
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REthink Sales
No-one else ever sold Kias the way we did. You see, 20 years ago Kia had a very different brand strategy then it does today. In this episode Derek and I talk about how we went from selling 100 Kias a year to selling...
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REthink Your Team
For many of you, you are a one to two-person sales team, and you're wondering how to grow your team. You've heard Jim's stories. You've listened to my stories and asked what it looks like. Today, we're joined by...
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REthink Your Morning
Oh, the famous morning routine. It's talked about everywhere, from self-help to sales and entrepreneur books. It's said that you need a morning routine.Ā Let me tell you. There are ways to create an excellent morning...
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REthink Your Workday
Maximizing the time you have during your work day is super crucial. It impacts your bottom line, the number of clients you can serve, and the sales you can have at the end of the day, at the end of the week, and at...
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REthink Sleep
In this episode Derek Kelly and Jim Shorkey talk sleep and the importance of it. The average person spends a third of their life asleep. And yet, despite its importance, we often don't give sleep the attention it...
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Why The Name Change
Derek Kelly and Jim Shorkey share about why they are renaming the Pragmatist Podcast to the Rethink Sales Podcast. Even if you are not a sales person, these episodes will be practical and insight in your own personal...
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